
Basic components

There are two basic components that have to be built in order to use the Multimodal Keras Wrapper, which are a Dataset and a Model_Wrapper.

The class Dataset is in charge of:

  • Storing, preprocessing and loading any kind of data for training a model (inputs).
  • Storing, preprocessing and loading the ground truth associated to our data (outputs).
  • Loading the data in batches for training or prediction.

The Datasets can manage different types of input/output data, which can be summarized as:

  • input types: ‘raw-image’, ‘video’, ‘image-features’, ‘video-features’, ‘text’
  • output types: ‘categorical’, ‘binary’, ‘real’, ‘text’, ‘3DLabel’

Currently, the class Dataset can be used for multiple kinds of multimodal problems, e.g. image/video classification, detection, multilabel prediction, regression, image/video captioning, visual question answering, multimodal translation, neural machine translation, etc.

The class Model_Wrapper is in charge of:

  • Storing an instance of a Keras’ model.
  • Receiving the inputs/outputs of the class Dataset and using the model for training or prediction.
  • Providing two different methods for prediction. Either predictNet(), which uses a conventional Keras model for prediction, or predictBeamSearchNet(), which applies a BeamSearch for sequence generative models and additionally allows to create separate models model_init and model_next for applying an optimized prediction (see this and this for further information).

In this tutorial we will learn how to create each of the two basic components and how use a model for training and prediction.

Creating a Dataset

First, let’s create a simple Dataset object with some sample data. The data used for this example can be obtained by executing /repository_root/data/get_data.sh. This will download the data used for this example into /repository_root/data/sample_data.

Dataset parameters definition.

from keras_wrapper.dataset import Dataset

dataset_name = 'test_dataset'
image_id = 'input_image'
label_id = 'output_label'
images_size = [256, 256, 3]
images_crop_size = [224, 224, 3]
train_mean = [103.939, 116.779, 123.68]
base_path = '</absolute/path/to/multimodal_keras_wrapper>/data/sample_data'

Empty dataset instance creation

ds = Dataset(dataset_name, base_path+'/images')

Insert dataset/model inputs

# train split
ds.setInput(base_path + '/train.txt', 'train',
            type='raw-image', id=image_id,
            img_size=images_size, img_size_crop=images_crop_size)
# val split
ds.setInput(base_path + '/val.txt', 'val',
            type='raw-image', id=image_id,
            img_size=images_size, img_size_crop=images_crop_size)
# test split
ds.setInput(base_path + '/test.txt', 'test',
            type='raw-image', id=image_id,
            img_size=images_size, img_size_crop=images_crop_size)

Insert pre-calculated images train mean

ds.setTrainMean(train_mean, image_id)

Insert dataset/model outputs

# train split 
ds.setOutput(base_path+'/train_labels.txt', 'train',
           type='categorical', id=label_id)
# val split
ds.setOutput(base_path+'/val_labels.txt', 'val',
           type='categorical', id=label_id)
# test split        
ds.setOutput(base_path+'/test_labels.txt', 'test',
           type='categorical', id=label_id)

Saving or loading a Dataset

from keras_wrapper.dataset import saveDataset, loadDataset

save_path = '</absolute/path/to/multimodal_keras_wrapper>/Datasets'

# Save dataset
saveDataset(ds, save_path)

# Load dataset
ds = loadDataset(save_path+'/Dataset_'+dataset_name+'.pkl')

In addition, we can print some basic information of the data stored in the dataset:

print ds

Creating a Model_Wrapper

Model_Wrapper parameters definition.

from keras_wrapper.cnn_model import Model_Wrapper

model_name = 'our_model'
type = 'VGG_19_ImageNet'
save_path = '</absolute/path/to/multimodal_keras_wrapper>/Models/'

Create a basic CNN model

net = Model_Wrapper(nOutput=2, type=type, model_name=model_name, input_shape=images_crop_size)
net.setOptimizer(lr=0.001, metrics=['accuracy']) # compile it

By default, the model type built is the one defined in Model_Wrapper.basic_model(). Although, any kind of custom model can be defined just by:

  • Defining a new method for the class Model_Wrapper which builds the model and stores it in self.model.
  • Referencing it with type=’method_name’ when creating a new Model_Wrapper instance.

Saving or loading a Model_Wrapper

from keras_wrapper.cnn_model import saveModel, loadModel

save_epoch = 0

# Save model
saveModel(net, save_epoch)

# Load model
net = loadModel(save_path+'/'+model_name, save_epoch)

Connecting a Dataset to a Model_Wrapper

In order to provide a correct communication between the Dataset and the Model_Wrapper objects, we have to provide the links between the Dataset ids positions and their corresponding layer identifiers in the Keras’ Model as a dictionary.

In this case we only have one input and one output, for this reason both ids are mapped to position 0 of our Dataset.

net.setInputsMapping({net.ids_inputs[0]: 0})
net.setOutputsMapping({net.ids_outputs[0]: 0})


We can specify several options for training our model, which are summarized here. If any of them is overriden then the default values will be used.

train_overriden_parameters = {'n_epochs': 2, 'batch_size': 10}

net.trainNet(ds, train_overriden_parameters)


The same applies to the prediction method. We can find the available parameters here and the default values here.

predict_overriden_parameters = {'batch_size': 10, 'predict_on_sets': ['test']}

net.predictNet(ds, predict_overriden_parameters)